Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Final solution

Time and Time again
Blue or Brown
Green or Red
What does it Matter
I am who I am
Ive done nothing wrong
Ive done no harm
I don’t deserve to be treated like this
But I will stand strong
My family in hand
I will be here
Right till the very end
Sent away
Lost all things
Home and Belongings
Labeled with color
No name
No identity
Put in rooms
Filled 1000 to 1
Hope slowly fading
Strength dissipating
Wondering when will it end
Will it ever end
Will I still be able to make It to the end
All the questions floating around
And no one was found
Willing to give somewhat of an answer
Anger and Furry
Acceptance and Durability
The end nearing
Thousands lost
Some took to beatings
Others took to flames
I took to disease
Just like many of the others
The pain is over
And so is the war
Liberation came
On a warm sunny day
As I watched from above
As my mother and father
Ran from that place
That place they called
Part of the final solution