Friday, June 13, 2008

The Soles of our shoes

the soles of our shoes
painting a map
step by step

the soles of our shoes
leave prints
on the stained pavement

the soles of our shoes
tell us a story
of where we are
and where we are to go

the soles of our shoes
carry the weight of our dreams and aspirations
a chain holding the map together
each link holding onto one and other

the soles of our shoes
caress the borders
creating the links that hold it all together

the soles of our shoes
can tell left from right
will go left one day
and right there other

the soles of our shoes
will make mistakes and break the chain
but will somehow be able to make it all better

the soles of our shoes
has the map
the map grows as we grow
changing all along the way

the soles of our shoes
paint the story
that we will one day read

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