Monday, June 2, 2008

unspoken and broken

Shattered glass
in a mirror filled room
the unspoken pain within all of us
the marks that remind us
the broken smiles that fill others with joy
filled with remorse
those who do not have the power to say
to say help
to say the unspoken broken words
dreaming of our dreams
of our hopes
of what we seem to become
our dreams turn into nightmares when let loose
so how do we let loose
letting loose enough to let go but not loosing control
on the outside
everything is sunshine and light breezes
on the inside a storm is brewing
and when its let go
the tears will fall
with such fear
try to smile and never let it get away
hold onto a smile that fills you with joy
hard to believe anyones trust
a promise no longer means as much
a map that leads no where
following highway 9
up to road 13
but where will it lead
no one knows
no one ever knows
if we all tried to understand we would be lost
being lost ourselves
loosing in pain
in loss
proven points
along the way
hearts may be broken
words may be spoken
hits may be thrown
but the words to follow
are unspoken and broken
we leave marks
to remind us
that whats felt on the inside is real
that we aren't alone
pages being written
every minuet of everyday
pages being marked
a pen mark on a page that will never fade
the brush strokes filling the blank canvas
filling it with life love and compassion
all words unspoken and broken
a picture
a life
a love
a dream
a mark
a beat
anything to keep us going
those unspoken and broken words